NAB (National Association of Broadcasters)
The National Association of Broadcasters, Uganda, is the voice for the nation’s radio and television broadcasters. As the premier association for broadcasters, NAB advances the interests of our members in government, business sector and country at large

NAB is an association of electronic broadcasting companies, and all organizations involved in electronic broadcasting that seeks to protect and represent the interests of its members in a stronger, more impacting and more organized effort.
As the advocate for licensed, free-over-the-air radio and television broadcasters before gov’t, regulators, business, and the community, NAB is the front line service point for all its members and source of information for aspiring members and it’s vital that we have the support of all broadcasters to be effective on every issue.
NAB members receive exceptional advocacy, information, career development and networking opportunities.
NAB is a non-profit association and is governed by a volunteer Executive Council elected by our members
It was founded in 1999 as an initiative of stakeholders to promote dialogue, foster cooperation and fuel advancement in the media industry. As a self financing body through member contributions a secretariat was established with a full time executive secretary.
What NAB stands for:
NAB is the chief advocate for the broadcast industry in Uganda through ensuring that policymakers are informed about the issues that impact the broadcasting industry. The association relies on the grassroots strength of its television and radio members to inform its regulator – Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), on behalf of its members for policy considerations.
NAB Uganda is working towards having ongoing refresher training for its members and providing free public service materials to assist broadcasters be relevant to their communities and exercise their CSR function yet still thrive as a profit making business entity.
There are always new possibilities that are bring created new technological advancements like the mobile digital television or FM-enabled mobile devices, NAB comes in to help broadcasters seize these such opportunities especially in this digital migration era. These new technological developments give broadcasters opportunities to find better, more innovative ways to deliver the high-quality content and services that local communities expect and deserve.
NAB is working towards being the centre for excellence in net working and forum for members to interact with other international media bodies and organizations in order to strengthen and enrich our pool of information